Dr Lesley McDonald

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Dr Lesley McDonald role: Consultant Paediatrician, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde institution: Affiliate FAAST Team Member

Dr McDonald is the clinical lead for health services for care experienced children in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. She has a particular interest in FASD and has led the development of assessment pathways in GGC. She has worked alongside FASD Hub Scotland to deliver a local family support programme and staff training in relation to FASD. She has completed an 18 month secondment to the FAAST team and is delighted to continue her role as an affiliate member.

Dr McDonald is the clinical lead for health services for care experienced children in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. She has a particular interest...

Rachel Burn

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Rachel Burn role: FASD Public Health Officer, NHS Ayrshire and Arran institution: University of Edinburgh

Rachel has a long-standing interest in raising awareness of FASD through specialist education and training. Rachel was a member of the pioneering pilot FASD Team based in Ayrshire and Arran, working alongside Dr Brown and Dr Shields. Rachel has led on the development and design of FASD resources and FASD training packages, which focus on improving awareness and knowledge, for professionals across health and social care. Rachel presents at conferences on the management of alcohol use in pregnancy and FASD training.

Rachel has a long-standing interest in raising awareness of FASD through specialist education and training. Rachel was a member of the pioneering pilot FASD...

Dr Stewart McDougall

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Dr Stewart McDougall role: POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY institution: University of Edinburgh

Stewart was awarded his PhD in 2020 at the University of South Australia, Adelaide. Stewart worked as a research assistant with the Australian Centre for Child Protection prior to joining the FAAST team as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. Stewart’s PhD thesis focused on the development of a screening tool to identify children at risk of having Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). His broader interests include FASD in the context of child protection and the concurrence of FASD and trauma.

Stewart was awarded his PhD in 2020 at the University of South Australia, Adelaide. Stewart worked as a research assistant with the Australian Centre...