The Fetal Alcohol Advisory, Support, and Training (FAAST) Team at the University of Edinburgh are seeking birth and biological parents of children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) to participate in a project to inform research about how best to engage with birth and biological parents.
Birth and biological parents’ voices are under-represented in the research literature and this study seeks to understand some of the barriers to participating in research and to inform future studies about how best to engage birth and biological parents of children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
This project seeks to establish a Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG) to inform research with birth parents of individuals with FASD. The LEAG will meet three times across the project:
- Before the project starts – to review the method and change suggestions
- During the project – to share initial findings, discuss what they mean, and brainstorm solutions to any potential challenges
- At the end of the project – to discuss the findings, make suggestions for what they mean, and to identify key messages for research, policy makers, and practitioners
Talking about FASD can be tough for parents, so we’re inviting you to share what would make it easier for you to talk with us. The findings will help researchers support parents better. It’s crucial to share the voices and experiences of birth parents to improve services for them.
The advisory group meetings will be approximately 1.5 to 2hrs, and will be held via video conferencing. All participants will receive a £30 gift card for their time, for each advisory group meeting you attend, however there is no expectation to attend all meetings.
Participant Registration of Interest Form (Opens in a new tab).
Alternatively, please contact or
For more information about the study, please see the participant information sheet: Participant Information Sheet
To read more about the work of the FAAST team, please visit