We work with health and social care practitioners and multi-disciplinary teams to provide advice on assessment and interventions for individuals of all ages whose needs may be related to being prenatally exposed to alcohol. Please note that requests arising from NHS Scotland services are proiritised due to the nature of our funding, and we are unable to work with patients and families directly.

Ongoing peer support between practitioners, facilitated by FAAST, to enable skill development in relation to FASD is key to sustainably implementing training into clinical practice. We plan to offer opportunities for clinician peer support forums and expect to announce more details in 2022. If you would like to register for updates please subscribe to our mailing list at the foot of the page.

We routinely work with NHS Scotland Boards and services to identify the best service configuration within their area to meet the needs of people affected by prenatal alcohol exposure who may be accessing their services.

If your professional training organisation or course has developed written or electronic resources and training materials that relate to prenatal alcohol exposure, FAAST can review and provide feedback on these in line with current best practice guidance.

Our team is able to provide advice and guidance on FASD to your organisation including through input to strategy, working and advisory groups.